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How do I set up a loan payment alert?

To set up an RCU loan payment alert, log in to online banking.

Navigate to Alerts and click on Add.

Alerts Menu Add

Choose Account as the alert type.

Setup a new Alert

Add the alert details:

  1. Give your alert a name.
  2. Indicate when you would like to receive the alert. 
  3. Choose the RCU loan.
  4. Select the frequency.

Add Account Alert

5. Select how you would like to receive the alert. 
6. Please be sure to send a test email or text message to verify you will receive the alert.

Send Alert To

7. Save your changes.

You will be able to review all of your alerts. The green checkmarks indicate how they will be sent. Please see the image below as an example.

All Alerts

For more information on RCU online banking alerts please view the following articles:

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